Carpooling Week

Environment Projects

28th April 2016

Carpooling Week

In order to increase its efforts in reducing traffic and cutting carbon dioxide emissions, UPAC launched the “carpooling” concept among its employees. The “carpooling” activity helped increase awareness about the importance of sharing one’s vehicle while commuting to work in order to reduce air pollution and have a cleaner environment.


Latest environment Projects


UPAC Supports UNICEF’s “Children in Gaza Desperately Need Lifesaving Support” Campaign

UPAC teamed up with the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) to support Palestinians in Gaza.

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UPAC Supports UNICEF’s “Libya Floods Emergency” Campaign

UPAC and the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) cooperated to support the “Libya Floods Emergency” campaign…

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UPAC Celebrates Earth Day

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United Projects for Aviation Services Company

UPAC is a leading player in commercial projects that foster development and growth in the region’s real estate sector. We offer fast decisions, minimal bureaucracy and maximum dependability and we use our expertise to provide Kuwaiti government agencies the consultancy required to achieve long-term projects.